A320 GenFam Course
We are organizing an Online A320 General Familiarization Course. It will be provided by Part 147 organization FL Technics in Lithuania. The Course will take place in July. There are still some seats avialable, at the rate of 700 Euro per attendee. If you are interested, please contact us
B737NG GenFam Course
We are joining a Online B737NG General Familiarization Course in the following weeks. It will be provided by Part 147 organization FL Technics in Lithuania. The Course will take place on week 20, starting 17th of May There are still some seats avialable, at the rate of 700 Euro per attendee. If you are interested, please contact us
Part 21 Customized Course
We have successfully completed our Customized Part 21 course given by our collab [...]
A320 and B737NG Gen Fam Courses (T1)
We are organizing Part 147 General Familiarization courses for A320 and B737 fleets, in the following weeks. The courses will be online.To get an interesting price we need a minimum number of participants. If you are interested please contact us.